Christmas Cocktail Recipes

Why not try your hand this festive season with some of our cocktail creations?

Bethlehem Buzz

20ml ginger syrup

squeeze of fresh lime

top with Prosecco in a Champagne flute

This is the perfect drink to start your evening with. Light but filled with warming ginger.


Gin-gle Bell

50ml London dry gin (this is a style of gin)

10ml cherry liqueur

20ml lemon juices

top with tonic water (go for premium tonic)

Stir ingredients together and pour over ice. Serve in a tall glass. A refreshing drink to revive your frazzled Christmas nerves! Garnish with retro style lemon.



Santa’s Sleigh or should that be Santa’s Slay?

30ml bourbon

20ml Cointreau

50ml cold black tea

10ml sugar syrup

pinch of cinnamon

Stir all ingredients together and pour over ice. Serve in a short glass. A full-bodied drink with attitude and Christmas spice. Garnish with a sour cherry.





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